“Elden Ring DLC Analysis: Trends a

When FromSoftware’s highly anticipated game, Elden Ring, was first announced at E3 in 2019, fans were ecstatic. The collaboration between legendary game director Hidetaka Miyazaki and fantasy author George R.R. Martin promised to be a breathtaking experience for players. After multiple delays, the base game is finally set to release in January 2022. However, as with most modern games, it is expected that Elden Ring will also have downloadable content (DLC) following its release.

But what can we expect from these DLCs? Will they enhance the already immersive world of Elden Ring or will they simply offer additional armor sets and weapons? In this blog post, we will analyze the potential trends and possibilities for Elden Ring DLCs based on previous FromSoftware DLCs and the information currently available. So let us delve into the world of Elden Ring and explore the exciting prospects of its upcoming DLCs.

Overview of the Base Game

Before we speculate about the DLCs, it is important to understand the core game of Elden Ring. FromSoftware has described the game as their “largest game to date”, with a vast open world filled with various kingdoms, ruins, and dungeons waiting to be explored. The game also features a new dynamic weather system that affects gameplay, horseback riding, and a more refined combat system compared to previous FromSoftware titles.

Elden Ring also promises to have a deep and intricate lore, with players being able to uncover the secrets of this fantasy world through item descriptions and interactions with NPCs. The game’s story is said to revolve around the shattering of the Elden Ring, a powerful artifact that binds the world together, and the player’s quest to restore it.

With these elements in mind, let us now move on to the topic of DLCs and how they may expand upon the base game.

Announcement and Release of DLCs

Introduction to Elden Ring DLCs

FromSoftware is no stranger to releasing DLC content for their games. Most notably, the Dark Souls series has seen some highly praised DLCs such as “Artorias of the Abyss” and “The Ringed City”. However, it was not until Bloodborne that DLCs became a more prominent aspect of FromSoftware’s game development.

Bloodborne’s “The Old Hunters” DLC not only added new weapons and areas but also significantly expanded on the game’s lore and story. This trend continued with the DLCs for Dark Souls III and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, which not only added new bosses and areas but also enhanced the overall experience of the base game.

Given FromSoftware’s track record, it is safe to assume that Elden Ring will also have multiple DLCs following its release. It is also possible that these DLCs were planned during the development of the base game and will be released shortly after its launch. However, nothing has been officially confirmed by the developers yet.

Analysis of New Gameplay Features

Introduction to Elden Ring DLCs

One of the most exciting aspects of any DLC is the addition of new gameplay features. FromSoftware is known for introducing new mechanics and challenges in their DLCs, keeping players engaged and offering a fresh experience even after completing the base game.

In Elden Ring, we can expect the DLCs to introduce new enemies, bosses, and areas to explore. But what about new gameplay mechanics? One possibility is the introduction of new forms or transformations for the player character. In previous FromSoftware games, DLCs have allowed players to transform into beasts (Bloodborne) or use prosthetic tools (Sekiro). It would be interesting to see if Elden Ring’s DLCs follow a similar trend.

Another potential feature could be the addition of new spells or magic. As Elden Ring is set in a world of magic and fantasy, it is expected that DLCs will offer new ways for players to harness this power. It could also introduce new elements of gameplay, such as puzzles or challenges specific to the DLC areas.

Exploration of Story Expansion

As mentioned earlier, FromSoftware’s DLCs have not only added new gameplay elements but also expanded upon the core game’s story and lore. This is one aspect that fans are eagerly anticipating in Elden Ring’s DLCs.

It is possible that the DLCs will delve deeper into the shattered world and its inhabitants, providing players with a more comprehensive understanding of the game’s lore. They may also introduce new characters or reveal the fates of existing ones, adding to the overall narrative of the game.

Furthermore, it is expected that the DLCs will provide closure to certain aspects of the game’s story that may be left unresolved in the base game. This has been a trend in previous FromSoftware DLCs, where they tie up loose ends and answer lingering questions from the base game’s storyline.

Impact on Lore and Worldbuilding

With the addition of new areas, enemies, and characters, the DLCs are bound to have a significant impact on the lore and worldbuilding of Elden Ring. As players explore these new regions and interact with their inhabitants, they will uncover more pieces of the puzzle that is the game’s story.

Moreover, the DLCs may introduce new factions or kingdoms that were previously only hinted at in the base game. This will not only expand the lore but also add depth to the world of Elden Ring. It is also possible that the DLCs will reveal new aspects of the various deities and creatures worshipped in this fantasy world, further building upon the game’s mythology.

Player Reception and Community Reactions

The reception of FromSoftware’s DLCs has always been positive, with players eagerly anticipating new content for their favorite titles. However, there have been instances where the DLCs have faced criticism for not living up to expectations or being too short in length.

It will be interesting to see how the community reacts to Elden Ring’s DLCs, especially considering the high expectations surrounding the game. Players will undoubtedly have their own predictions and wishlist for the DLCs, and it remains to be seen if FromSoftware can deliver on these expectations.

Comparison with Previous FromSoftware DLCs

As mentioned earlier, FromSoftware has a history of releasing DLCs for their games, and each one has its own unique qualities. However, it is worth noting that while the DLCs for Dark Souls III and Sekiro were highly praised, Bloodborne’s “The Old Hunters” received mixed reactions from the community.

This raises the question of whether Elden Ring’s DLCs will follow the same trend as Bloodborne’s or surpass the quality of its predecessors. It is possible that the collaboration with George R.R. Martin may have a significant impact on the DLCs, as he is known for his intricate storytelling and worldbuilding.

Predictions for Future DLCs

At this point, it is only speculation as to what the DLCs for Elden Ring will offer. However, based on previous trends and the information currently available, we can make certain predictions about the future DLCs.

One possibility is that the DLCs will add new kingdoms or areas that players can explore, offering new challenges and secrets to uncover. They may also introduce new forms or transformations for the player character, as seen in previous FromSoftware titles.

Furthermore, the DLCs may expand upon the story and lore of Elden Ring, providing closure to certain plot points and introducing new factions or characters. They could also introduce new gameplay mechanics, adding more depth to the already refined combat system.

It is also possible that FromSoftware may release a DLC that focuses solely on multiplayer aspects, such as new PvP arenas or co-op challenges. This has been done in previous FromSoftware games, and with Elden Ring’s emphasis on online play, it would not be surprising to see a DLC dedicated to this aspect.


In conclusion, the DLCs for Elden Ring offer an exciting prospect for players. FromSoftware’s track record of releasing high-quality and engaging DLCs has set the bar high for Elden Ring’s additional content. However, based on the information available and past trends, it is safe to say that the DLCs will enhance the already immersive world of Elden Ring.

From new gameplay features to story expansion and impact on lore and worldbuilding, the potential for Elden Ring’s DLCs is vast. As we eagerly await the release of the base game in January 2022, let us keep our fingers crossed for some compelling and satisfying DLCs in the future.