Ultimate Guide: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough for Gamers

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A title synonymous with gaming greatness, a landmark in 3D adventure, and a nostalgic journey for millions. Released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64, this game redefined the Zelda experience, introducing stunning 3D graphics, engaging puzzles, and a captivating story. For many, Ocarina of Time is not just a game, it’s a cherished memory, a testament to the power of storytelling and design in video games. This walkthrough aims to guide you through the winding paths of Hyrule, unraveling its secrets, and conquering its challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer returning to Hyrule or a fresh-faced hero embarking on your first journey, this guide will be your compass, leading you to the Triforce of Courage and the ultimate victory over Ganondorf.

Introduction to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time is the fifth installment in the iconic Legend of Zelda franchise and the first to feature 3D graphics. It follows the story of a young boy named Link, who is summoned by the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda, to stop the evil Ganondorf from obtaining the Triforce and taking over the kingdom.

The game is divided into three main acts: the childhood phase, the seven year time skip, and the final showdown with Ganondorf. Each act offers unique challenges and introduces new gameplay mechanics, making Ocarina of Time a dynamic and immersive experience.

With its vast world to explore, memorable characters, and challenging dungeons, Ocarina of Time has stood the test of time as one of the greatest video games of all time. So let’s dive into this epic adventure and conquer Hyrule together!

Essential Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Ultimate Guide The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough for Gamers

Before venturing into the world of Hyrule, here are some essential tips and tricks to keep in mind:

1. Get Familiar with the Controls

The controls in Ocarina of Time can take some time to get used to, especially for those playing on a modern console or emulator. It’s crucial to understand the basic movement and combat mechanics to navigate through the game smoothly.

On the Nintendo 64 controller, the buttons are arranged in a diamond shape, with A at the bottom, B on the left, C-down on the right, and C-right on the top. The analog stick is used to control Link’s movement, while the C-buttons are used for camera control and item selection.

For those playing on a modern console or emulator, the controls may be different. Make sure to check the button mapping before starting the game.

2. Take Advantage of Your Navi Companion

Throughout the game, Link will be accompanied by Navi, a fairy who serves as his guide. Navi’s primary function is to provide helpful hints during gameplay, such as targeting enemies or objects, giving advice, and providing information on specific items or locations.

Don’t ignore Navi’s messages as they can provide critical clues to solve puzzles and progress through the game. Also, pay attention to her color – it changes depending on the importance of the message she is giving.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment with Items

Ocarina of Time features a plethora of items, weapons, and tools that Link can use during his journey. Each item has its unique functions and uses, so make sure to experiment with them to see their full potential.

For example, the Hookshot not only helps you cross gaps but can also stun enemies and activate switches from a distance. The Longshot, an upgraded version of the Hookshot, has even longer range and can help you reach faraway places.

4. Save Often

As with any adventure game, it’s essential to save your progress regularly. Ocarina of Time has a limited number of save points, so make sure to use them wisely. Additionally, you can also save by playing the Sun’s Song or using a Fairy Fountain.

Remember to save before attempting difficult puzzles or boss battles, so you don’t have to repeat large sections of the game in case you fail.

5. Pay Attention to Dialogue and Cutscenes

Ocarina of Time is known for its intricate storyline and deep lore. To fully appreciate the game’s narrative, pay attention to dialogue and cutscenes, as they provide valuable information about the characters and their motivations.

Also, some cutscenes offer hints on how to solve puzzles and advance through the game, so don’t skip them!

Complete Walkthrough of the Main Quest

Ultimate Guide The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough for Gamers

The main quest of Ocarina of Time is divided into three acts: the childhood phase, the seven year time skip, and the final showdown with Ganondorf. In this section, we’ll break down each act and provide a complete walkthrough for the main quests.

Act 1: The Childhood Phase

The game begins with a young Link living among the Kokiri in the peaceful Kokiri Forest. One day, he’s summoned by the Great Deku Tree, who is dying from a curse placed on him by Ganondorf. Link must retrieve the Spiritual Stone of Forest from inside the tree to break the curse.

Kokiri Forest

  • As you enter the forest, follow the path until you reach a fork. Take the left path to find a girl named Saria near the entrance to the forest maze.
  • Talk to her, and she will give you a fairy ocarina.
  • Continue to the maze and use the map given by Mido, the forest’s self-proclaimed leader, to find the location of the Kokiri Sword.
  • Once you have the sword, return to the Great Deku Tree and enter through its mouth.

Inside the Great Deku Tree

  • Make your way through the dungeon, defeating enemies and solving puzzles.
  • Use sticks to light up torches on your path and look out for hidden spiders. You can use your slingshot to shoot them down.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Gohma by targeting its eye with your slingshot or sword.
  • Collect the Spiritual Stone of Forest and exit the tree.

Hyrule Castle

  • After leaving the Great Deku Tree, return to Kokiri Forest and go to Link’s house.
  • Speak to Saria and then head towards Hyrule Castle.
  • Sneak past the guards by crawling through the small hole in the wall to enter the castle courtyard.
  • Enter the castle through the main gate and make your way to Princess Zelda’s garden.
  • Watch the cutscene and speak to Zelda.
  • She will give you a letter to show to the guard at the entrance of Death Mountain.

Dodongo’s Cavern

  • After obtaining the letter, head towards Death Mountain, but first, stop by Lon Lon Ranch and learn Epona’s Song.
  • Climb Death Mountain and show the guard the letter.
  • Enter Goron City and talk to the Goron leader, Darunia.
  • He will ask you to help him with their problem in Dodongo’s Cavern.
  • Make your way through the cavern, defeating enemies and solving puzzles.
  • Use bombs to open doors and collect the Goron Bracelet.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss King Dodongo by throwing bombs into its mouth when it opens.
  • Collect the Spiritual Stone of Fire and exit the cavern.

Act 2: The Seven Year Time Skip

After completing the first act, Link will be put in a seven year slumber by the Master Sword. He wakes up as an adult in the Temple of Time, where he learns that Ganondorf has taken over the kingdom and Princess Zelda is missing.

Kakariko Village

  • Exit the Temple of Time and speak to Sheik, who will teach you the Prelude of Light.
  • Head towards Kakariko Village and enter the Graveyard.
  • Pull the gravestone on the left side to reveal the entrance to the Royal Family’s Tomb.
  • Make your way through the tomb and claim the Hookshot.
  • Return to Kakariko Village and enter the Windmill.
  • Use the Longshot on the spinning platform to stop the windmill from turning and drain the well.
  • Enter the well and defeat Dead Hand to obtain the Lens of Truth.

Forest Temple

  • With the Lens of Truth, head back to the Temple of Time and play the Prelude of Light.
  • Enter the Sacred Forest Meadow and find Saria.
  • She will give you the Fairy Bow and teach you the Saria’s Song.
  • Use the bow to shoot the eye above the door at the end of the meadow and enter the Forest Temple.
  • Make your way through the temple, defeating enemies and solving puzzles.
  • Use the bow to shoot down Skulltulas and collect the Compass and Map.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Phantom Ganon by reflecting his energy balls with your sword or shooting them with the bow.
  • Collect the Forest Medallion and exit the temple.

Fire Temple

  • After obtaining the Forest Medallion, return to Darunia at Goron City.
  • He will give you the Goron Tunic.
  • Head towards Death Mountain Crater and enter the Fire Temple.
  • Make your way through the temple, using the Goron Tunic to protect yourself from fire.
  • Use bombs to open doors and defeat enemies.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Volvagia by shooting its head with arrows when it pops out of the ground.
  • Collect the Fire Medallion and exit the temple.

Water Temple

  • After obtaining the Fire Medallion, return to Lake Hylia and enter the Water Temple.
  • Make your way through the temple, using the Iron Boots to sink into water and the Longshot to reach faraway platforms.
  • Look for keys to unlock doors and defeat enemies.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Morpha by pulling on its tentacles with the Longshot and attacking its eye.
  • Collect the Water Medallion and exit the temple.

Shadow Temple

  • After obtaining the Water Medallion, return to Kakariko Village and talk to Impa.
  • She will teach you the Nocturne of Shadow.
  • Head towards the graveyard and enter the Graveyard Dampé’s grave.
  • Solve the puzzle to obtain the Hookshot.
  • Return to Kakariko Village and use the Hookshot on the roof of the windmill to enter the Shadow Temple.
  • Make your way through the temple, using the Lens of Truth to see invisible platforms and walls.
  • Defeat enemies and solve puzzles to progress.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Bongo Bongo by targeting its hands with the bow and then attacking its eye when it’s stunned.
  • Collect the Shadow Medallion and exit the temple.

Spirit Temple

  • After obtaining the Shadow Medallion, return to Gerudo Valley and learn the Requiem of Spirit from Sheik.
  • Head towards the Desert Colossus and enter the Spirit Temple.
  • Make your way through the temple, using the Silver Gauntlets to lift heavy objects and the Mirror Shield to reflect light.
  • Solve puzzles and defeat enemies to progress.
  • Once you reach the end, defeat the boss Twinrova by reflecting their magic with the Mirror Shield and then attacking them when they merge.
  • Collect the Spirit Medallion and exit the temple.

Act 3: The Final Showdown

After obtaining all six medallions, return to the Temple of Time and play the Prelude of Light. Enter the Chamber of Sages to obtain the Light Arrows from Rauru.

Ganon’s Castle

  • Use the Light Arrows to hit the red jewel above the entrance to Ganon’s Castle.
  • Make your way through the castle, solving puzzles, and defeating enemies.
  • Look out for hidden rooms and secret chests.
  • Once you reach the end, enter the final showdown with Ganondorf.

Ganondorf Boss Fight

  • Ganondorf will initially attack you with energy balls that you can reflect back at him with your sword.
  • When he teleports away, use the Light Arrows to stun him and then attack with your sword.
  • After a few rounds, he will transform into Ganon, the beast form.
  • In this phase, you must use the Master Sword to stun him and then deliver the final blow with the Biggoron Sword or Megaton Hammer.
  • Congratulations, you have defeated Ganondorf and saved Hyrule!

Detailed Dungeon Guides and Strategies

In this section, we’ll provide detailed guides and strategies for each dungeon in Ocarina of Time.

Deku Tree

The first dungeon in the game, the Deku Tree, is relatively simple and serves as an introduction to the game’s mechanics.

Dungeon Map

Room Description
Main Lobby The main lobby of the tree, with a path leading up to the central room.
Central Room The central chamber of the tree, with a webbed entrance to Gohma’s lair at the top.
Gohma’s Lair The boss room of the dungeon, where you’ll face Gohma.

Boss: Gohma

Gohma is a giant parasite that inhabits the Deku Tree. In this fight, you must target its eye with either your slingshot or sword.

Attack Description
Energy Ball Gohma will shoot energy balls at you, which you can deflect with your shield or dodge by rolling or side-stepping.
Claw Swipe If you’re close enough to Gohma, it will swipe at you with its claw, dealing damage.
Egg Spawn During the second phase of the fight, Gohma will spawn baby eggs that will hatch into mini-Gohmas if you don’t destroy them quickly.

To defeat Gohma, wait for it to open its eye and then attack with your slingshot or sword. Repeat this process a few times, and Gohma will be defeated.

Dodongo’s Cavern

The second dungeon in the game, Dodongo’s Cavern, introduces bombs as a new item and requires you to use them to progress through the dungeon.

Dungeon Map

Room Description
Main Lobby The main lobby of the cavern, with paths leading to various rooms.
Bomb Flower Room The first room you enter after the main lobby, with a bomb flower that you need to use to open the door to the next room.
Lizalfos Room A room with two Lizalfos enemies and a switch you need to press to unlock the door to the next room.
Backtrack Room A small room with a chest containing a key, which you need to collect before progressing through the dungeon.
Fire Keese Room A room full of bats called Fire Keese, with a switch that unlocks the door to the next room.
Bomb Bag Chest Room A room with a chest containing the Bomb Bag, which you need to collect to progress through the dungeon.
Small Dodongo Room A small room with a switch that reveals a bomb flower when pressed. Use the bomb flower to break the boulder and enter the next room.
Boulder Room A large room with a boulder rolling down from the top. Avoid the boulder and make your way to the switch at the end, which will unlock the door to the next room.
Bomb Flower Maze A maze filled with bomb flowers that you need to use to blow up rocks blocking your path.
King Dodongo’s Lair The boss room of the dungeon, where you’ll face King Dodongo.

Boss: King Dodongo

King Dodongo is a giant reptilian monster with fire breath that inhabits the cavern. In this fight, you must throw bombs into its mouth when it opens to attack.

Attack Description
Fire Breath King Dodongo will breathe fire in a straight line or in a circle around him, dealing damage if you’re caught in it.
Roll If you’re close enough to King Dodongo, it will roll towards you trying to hit you.

| Tail Swipe | If you’re behind King Dodongo, it will swipe its tail at you, dealing damage.

To defeat King Dodongo, wait for it to open its mouth after breathing fire and throw a bomb inside. This will stun King Dodongo, allowing you to attack with your sword. Repeat this process a few times, and King Dodongo will be defeated.

Inside Ganon’s Castle

After defeating Ganondorf, you’ll gain access to his castle where you can find some additional challenges and rewards.

Shadow Temple

The Shadow Temple is a dark and eerie dungeon filled with traps and puzzles.

  • Use the Lens of Truth to reveal hidden paths and objects in the temple.
  • Watch out for ReDead enemies that freeze you in place with their scream.
  • Solve puzzles involving switches and timed movements to progress through the temple.
  • Defeat the boss Bongo Bongo by shooting its hands with arrows and attacking when it becomes vulnerable.

Spirit Temple

The Spirit Temple is divided into child and adult sections, requiring you to switch between the two forms to progress.

  • In the child section, use small Link to navigate through tight spaces and solve puzzles.
  • In the adult section, use big Link to overpower enemies and move heavy objects.
  • Look out for the boss Twinrova, who requires you to reflect her attacks back at her.

Gerudo Training Grounds

This optional challenge involves completing a series of combat and puzzle rooms to earn rewards.

  • Use different weapons and tools to overcome obstacles in each room.
  • Look out for silver rupees that unlock doors to new areas.
  • Collect all keys to reach the final boss and claim your prize.

Defeating All Bosses

Each dungeon in Ocarina of Time ends with a challenging boss battle. Here are some tips for defeating all the major bosses in the game:


Gohma is weak to projectile attacks aimed at its eye. Use your slingshot or bow and arrow to target its weakness and deal damage. Dodge its energy balls and claw attacks while waiting for the right moment to strike.

King Dodongo

King Dodongo is vulnerable only when it opens its mouth to breathe fire. Throw bombs inside its mouth to stun it, then attack with your sword. Avoid its fire breath attacks and rolling movements to stay safe during the fight.

Phantom Ganon

Phantom Ganon will create illusions and ride on a phantom horse during the battle. Use your bow and arrow to shoot the real Phantom Ganon when he emerges from a portal. Be quick to react and accurate in your shots to defeat him.


Barinade is surrounded by jellyfish-like creatures that protect it from direct attacks. Use your boomerang to cut the jellyfish and expose Barinade’s core. Once vulnerable, attack the core to defeat the boss while avoiding its electric shock attacks.

Bongo Bongo

Bongo Bongo is an invisible boss that becomes tangible periodically. Use the Lens of Truth to see and target Bongo Bongo’s hands. Shoot them with arrows to stun the boss, then attack when it becomes visible. Dodge its hand slaps and shockwave attacks to survive the battle.


Twinrova consists of two witches, Koume and Kotake, who combine their elemental powers during the fight. Reflect Koume’s fire attacks with your Mirror Shield to hit Kotake and vice versa. When they merge into Twinrova, use the opposite element to counter their attacks before attacking.

With these strategies and tips, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer all the bosses in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Secrets, Easter Eggs, and Hidden Locations

Ocarina of Time is known for its attention to detail and hidden treasures scattered throughout the game world. Here are some secrets, easter eggs, and hidden locations you can discover:

Biggoron Sword

To obtain the Biggoron Sword, follow the trading sequence that starts with the Pocket Cucco received in Kakariko Village. Complete various trades until you receive the Giant’s Knife, then have it reforged by Biggoron on Death Mountain.

Ice Arrows

After obtaining the Gerudo Membership Card, return to the Gerudo Fortress and enter the Horseback Archery game. Score a perfect 1500 points to receive the Ice Arrows as a reward.

Mask Trading Side Quest

Embark on the Mask Trading side quest by wearing the Keaton Mask obtained from the Happy Mask Shop. Follow the sequence of trading masks with different characters to eventually receive the Mask of Truth.

Fishing Pond Hyrule’s Biggest Fish

Visit the fishing pond in Lake Hylia and catch a fish weighing over 10 pounds to claim the title of “Hyrule’s Biggest Fish” and receive a Piece of Heart as a reward.

Fairy Fountains

Search for secret Fairy Fountains scattered across Hyrule by playing the Song of Storms near suspicious patches of soil. Jump into the fountain to meet a Great Fairy who may upgrade your carrying capacity for items like bombs and arrows.

Gold Skulltula Rewards

Collect Gold Skulltulas tokens from cursed spiders around Hyrule to receive rewards from the cursed family in Kakariko Village. Exchange tokens for valuable prizes such as rupees, upgrades, and keys.

By exploring these hidden secrets and engaging in side quests, you’ll uncover a whole new layer of depth in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a timeless classic that continues to captivate players with its rich storytelling, engaging gameplay, and memorable characters. By following our comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on Link’s epic journey through the land of Hyrule.

Whether you’re a newcomer seeking essential tips and tricks or a veteran looking to uncover hidden secrets, Ocarina of Time offers something for everyone. From mastering side quests to defeating powerful bosses, the game provides a rewarding experience that stands the test of time.

So grab your ocarina, sharpen your sword, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with magic, danger, and discovery. The fate of Hyrule rests in your hands—are you ready to embrace the legend?